[orion reviews]

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[Thursday, Apr. 07, 2005][]

first and foremost, you must be coherent. we're not asking for perfect grammar and spelling, god knows that we're not always attentive in such matters ourself. but usage of netspeak or abbreviations is unacceptable. you're not in a crunch to get a message across quickly; use your time and express how you feel.

secondly, request your own diaryland diary. don't submit someone else's diary, that would be rude. sorry, but livejournal and other users are out of luck.

Orion Buttonthirdly, you must link to orion reviews at the least in your profile, and preferably in a links section of your diary. for those wishing to use an image button to link to orioin reviews, please use the one at left.

fourthly, any manner of material is acceptable for review. we are mature here, and so long as things are decently written, no subject shall remain taboo.* do make sure you've got some appreciable content, though. unless you write 'war and peace' sized entries, twenty or so should be a sufficient quantity of entries.

requesting a review:
first, read the scoring section. then leave a note or email with orion reviews politely asking for a review and stating your url. then, link back to us. it's that simple. your note will be deleted when your request is accepted. you may not request a specific reviewer, in fact you won't know who is reviewing you until your review is posted. if you don't like your review, you may request a single re-review after four weeks. that gives you a month to change your ways. whining or resorting to threats will not work, and will not get you re-reviewed.

anyone making threats of any kind against orion reviews, its reviewers, or the diaries it has reviewed will be dealt with accordingly. this may seem like a vuage and empty threat, but we have experience in such matters. please, be adults, people.

all reviews are property of orion reviews, and may not be reposted anywhere without express permission of mister biased. further, terms and conditions may change over time, so beware. also, we are under no obligation to say nice things about you or your diary, compliments will be earned, not given.

*racism and 'hate' literature will be reviewed begrudgingly, but we would prefer not to. should you choose to submit such material, don't expect it to be graded well.
