[orion reviews]

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[Friday, Sept. 10, 2004][]

first impression: [ungraded] reviewer will state our first impression upon viewing your diary.

layout: [forty-nine points] reviewer will grade your layout by aesthetic principles. content of said layout will not be judged. you could have a barney the dinosaur layout for all we care. just make sure it looks good. diaries should have their layout's creator displayed, and a link to said creator. if you have stolen your layout from someone, your review will be expunged from our record, and whosever work you stole will be notified, and your fate will be left to them.

diaries without a layout, and using one of the standard diaryland templates will not receive any points in this category, but will also not lose any. your score will be adjusted accordingly.

this is all encompassing: it covers navigation, color scheme, your links working, to the quality of your pictures (we abhor jpeg distortion). everything that could possibly relate to the layout.

content: [eighty-seven points] this will be the sum of what you have to say and how you say it. included will be your grammar and spelling. the occasional error is certainly excusable, but frequent misspelling and errors will result in a deduction. consistency will be looked upon highly. if a single word is always misspelled, it will be deemed acceptable. after all, president Andrew Jackson once said: "A man is a fool if he can think of only one way of spelling a word."

frequency: [twenty-two points] again we are looking more for consistency than anything else. we realize that annoying thing called life will interfere with updating your diary on occasion, and this will be taken into consideration. this will also include a likelihood of returning to your diary.

bonus points: [point value] for particularly memorable diaries, or for content above and beyond what is necessary, bonus points may be awarded, not to exceed ten points.

judgement: [ungraded] we will give our opinion of your diary as a whole, and possibly offer up some advice to you. we will not coddle, but also not strive for crushing blows to the ego.

[points of one hundred fifty-eight points]

also, in your request for review "I submit to the hunter." should be a part of the request. this is to ensure that you have actually read the scoring process.
